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Diagnostics & Electrical Repair

Modern diesel trucks have a lot of computers and sensors. This can make diagnosing issues difficult. Ballard's has the software and tools to diagnose the most complicated issues!

Preventative Maintenance and Annual Inspections

Preventive maintenance includes regular oil and fluid changes, inspections, and repairs as necessary. Preventive maintenance is generally an umbrella term that encompasses oil and fluid changes, regular inspection, tire rotations, and anything else that prevents problems from happening.

Truck Coolant Systems

Heavy-duty coolant systems are incredibly important and need routine maintenance and repair.


Heavy-duty trucks travel incredibly far distances on a daily basis. As such, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these trucks are more prone to tire punctures than other vehicles. We can plug or replace your tires.

Truck Brake Repairs

Heavy duty trucks use compressed air to activate their brakes. Most are drum brake style and are activated when compressed air enters the initial service chamber. Over time, these components can wear out and may need to be repaired or maintained.

Truck Oil & Fluid Service

Did you know that the lubricant and fluids in your heavy-duty vehicle break down over time? That includes your engine oil, transmission fluid, differential fluid, steering fluid, transfer case fluid, and even engine coolant.

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